JCS Tikvah Foodbank
We were able to feed every recipient of the JCS Tikvah Foodbank with a wonderful meal which was distributed over the past two days. Our recipients received their deliveries with such excitement, gratitude and appreciation.
Eric's legacy continues to shine so brightly in our Cape Town Jewish community and has, once again, warmed the hearts of all the JCS Tikvah Foodbank recipients.

Chabad at UCI
100 students at Sukkah Hop.
We also used the pledge cards for another group the next night at Shabbat Dinner under the Stars (in the Sukkah).
Such a wonderful idea that in addition to joining a Jewish event, they should take a practical Mitzvah.

Rabbi David Aaron
An amazing tribute from Yeshiva Orayta in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Akiva Naiman - NYSY Israel
A heartfelt message of kindness to the late Eric Samson of blessed memory.
Yeshivat Ateret Yaacov
Torah learning with Rabbi Shain, Bet Shemesh

Cape Town Torah High
A most beautiful Chessed program at CTTH in memory of Eric OBM.
The CTTH Girls prepared 60 bouquets of flowers, hand decorated packs of challah rolls, and illustrated cards and Good Shabbos messages, and hand delivered them to the residents of Astra Centre today, as our participation in October month of Kindness in the merit of Ezriel ben David z"l. The girls also prepared a short inspirational message, and a musical performance for the residents, which culminated in dancing, and they truly loved it.

The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning
An unbelievable project aimed at feeding the homeless in Eric's memory. Volunteers from the Jewish community joined us in feeding 120 people,